I'm from the UK so I find this very interesting and helpful trying to get my head round America politics

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I read an article about you online and it says that you are the guy many Republican staff members listen to on Ukraine. This is good because you are using clear science and polls in your analysis. My question for you, is there more that the Ukrainian embassy could do to promote this information to evangelicals - especially outside of Washington. This message about Russia targeting evangelical Christians is definitely not getting out there. For example, do people who work at the Ukraine embassy in Washington ever tour the country, especially the South and visit Mega Churches to get this message out. I think this is necessary based on your excellent article.

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Please don’t put Trump supporters in one basket don’t sound like the people you fight against

Enjoy your articles

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It’s sounds so complicated for a person to make a decision whether to support Ukraine or not, it really is simple, my moral compass took seconds to support Ukraine it was that easy. Taking what’s not yours ,invading a sovereign country by means of killing civilians, soldiers , destroying peoples lives , committed by an evil monster posing as a human is just wrong, period.

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But that is not the question. Support is easy. The question is do you want to give more than a hundred billion dollars to Ukraine?

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As a two part question , money vs price tag without ignoring the moral ethical commitment, Of course say yes to both.

I enjoy reading you Substack about Ukraine and on day 620 never missed a day, I live in south Florida and just say I’ve been around the block a few times, and sad about out sick society and moral decay.

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