Keep getting these facts out. It takes ten times the effort for truth to overcome a lie.

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Moscow Marjorie!!!!

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Dear MTG, greetings from Ukraine. My wife and I are Wisconsinites. I was a pastor in the US, and for the past almost 23 years my wife and I live in Ukraine, in Kyiv. We are religious workers, and I train church leadership here. In other words, I have very close ties to the Ukrainian church.

I find it appalling that you believe the Russian propaganda that Ukraine is persecuting Christians, the church and killing priests. It surprises me that you have not taken the time to find out the truth before making such absurd, untrue accusations about Ukraine. Contrary to what you have heard, Russia is doing this to protestant pastors and churches in the occupied territories. I walk almost every day past a Russian Orthodox church here in Kyiv that operates unhindered. President Zelenski’s administration has commended the church of Ukraine for all that it has done to help during this war. You are spreading misinformation which, not only will help Russia, but will hurt America’s ally, Ukraine. BTW, when Russia makes crazy accusations against Ukraine, more than likely Ukraine is not doing it, but Russia is. They are just covering their tracks. Please correct and make apologies for what you have said and set the record straight. Thank you!

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Perhaps the Pope needs to go spend more time with the Russian Orthodox‘Church’. You know, the church reformed by communism, ultimately in the image of the KGB, when after having all the original Clergy murdered and religion outlawed, it was realised that actually, people’s spirituality could be very useful, easily exploited, manipulated, used to promote and validate the ‘values’ of the communist state.

So all the new clergy are FSB operatives, keeping a close eye on their parishioners, preaching from the KGB Prayer Book. If he was really lucky, the Pope could join in on ceremonies with the High Wizard Kirill blessing both the bombs and missiles targeting Ukrainian civilians and the sailors, soldiers and airmen in their holy quest to torture, rape and murder as many Ukrainians as they can, to execute God’s (? Putin’s!) will on Earth and be blessed and rewarded for their unbridled viciousness, the true expression of that ‘Great Russian Culture’ and that farcical ‘Russian Orthodox church’ …

True Evil.

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